ART and Music

I play the bass in a band called The Vickies.  My good friend Dave Irish plays the drums and also happens to be an incredible artist.  Check out his work on instagram at

The Pineapple Isle 18 x 24  Tiki Tightrope 18 x 24
The Friendly Isle 18 x 24 Night Dancer and the Time Keeper 18 x 24


MUSIC!  MUSIC!  MUSIC! - I play the bass in a few bands...

Cadillac Angels -
Electric Americana, Rockabilly, Blues and Surf

Phantom Noir -
Dark Surf and Instrumental Music

The Vickies -
Album Coming out 2024!  Stay Tuned!

Check out my Youtube Channel 

Bands I have sat in with...

El Sandeman and the Sundowns with Chris Barfield (Spaghetti Western Surf Festival 2023)

The Space Sanchos (Dia De Los Muertos Street Festival DTLA 2023)

The Verbtones (Surf Guitar 101 Convention-Long Beach, CA 2024)